It is a golden roasted and ground coffee with a gourmet quality, 100% Bourbon variety, grown in the mountains of the Cordillera Ilamatepec west of El Salvador, coffee is a strict height (SHG) produced in the 1,300 meters to 1,600 meters above sea level, cut into its ideal point of maturity, with zero defects, besides being passed over a large grain sieve 16. A gourmet coffee with a soft recognized as that of Colombian and Central American coffees, with a perfect balance between sweetness, acidity and bitterness, with a good body and good aftertaste

In addition to this coffee will be given added value through an international label as "Bird Friendly" or friendly with the birds, so that the agricultural practices will be a little pruning of coffee and shade grown mostly under trees generate a good amount of shade and at the same time allows nesting and improve habitat for various kinds of birds, including our national bird the Torogoz.